Award-winning Milwaukee Interior Designer. Author. Brand Consultant. Contributor.

Creativity. Collaboration. Community.
I use my education and diverse experience in design to inform solutions, inspire action and impact change in the community and the world around me.
In my almost 20 year professional career, I designed different types of projects, from senior living and healthcare, to hospitality and multi-family. Rooter in evidence and centered on human needs, my design solutions bring meaning and build connection.
I love all parts of design but where I excel is ideation and strategy. My heart beats faster and my soul lights up when I get to be involved in a conceptual phase of a project. My future focus and innovative approach coupled with strategic thinking and foresight, allows me to push the solutions beyond the obvious. It is absolute magic when the right team shares the vision and talent to bring an idea to life. Individually, I am a drop. Together, we are an ocean.
Business is personal to me. I collaborate with leading senior living and multi-family developers, architects and construction firms, who share a compelling mission and a visionary outlook. My focus on relationship building and commitment to excellence resulted in years of repeat business and personal connections that last a lifetime.
Let’s Work Together
I am always interested in new partnerships and projects and would love to hear from you. From cosmetic renovations to repositioning and new construction, I am happy to discuss new projects needs.